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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Effective Classroom Management is an extension of you.

I have had some really great groups of students over the years, and I have had some groups that needed a little coaching. I have been fortunate to have experienced many different types of class dynamics.  One thing that I came to learn was that classroom management does not take a one size fits all approach to be effective.  Techniques that work for one student don’t always work for another; methods used for one class may not be effective for another class. 

Two practices that I have found to be effective year after year are forming positive relationships with the students, and being myself.  Taking the time during the first couple days of school to learn students’ names and some interesting things about them will help build a bond that can last years.  Whether it is remembering the student’s birthday, the name of their dog or their favorite food. The connection is there; it is waiting for us as teachers and leaders to find it.  Be yourself: for classroom management to be effective it has to be real.  In order for it to be real it must be an extension of one’s self. The students can and will see through any false behaviors we exhibit.

Please take a few moments and add an effective practice, style, or technique that has worked for you in the past or you are currently using.


1 comment:

  1. I have used Tribes and Kagan for management strategies. Teams have always worked for me with as much direction as I can squeeze in the first week. More time upfront as they say...
